Making Paradise in the Aga Khan Gallery
The Making Paradise exhibition brought together a variety of approaches that explore the concept of al-Janna, the Garden of Eden and the concept of Paradise in Islam. More than 130 verses in the Qur’an mention or refer to Paradise, this being a clear indication of how central this theme is to the faith of Islam and to the spirituality of Islam. The atmosphere of Paradise is repeatedly described, not only in the Qur’an but also in myriads of works of spiritual literature and poetry, as an expanse of luxuriant, verdant and shady gardens, irrigated by rivers, ponds and fountains. In these post-Qur’anic works, the gardens of Paradise are also represented as secular realms of social intercourse, pleasure, romance and diplomacy, as well as a retreat from the hardships of work, conflict and a harsh environment.
April-October 2021
Thank you to the National Trust for commissioning this film, and in particular to the filmmaker himself, Sam Schoettner.